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US Army, Europe
Looking for more information from military/civilian
personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
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Headquarter & Miscellaneous |
Berlin Brigade History
Berlin Brigade Commanders
Headquarters, Berlin Brigade
Berlin Brigade Maps
Berlin Brigade Organization Charts
ROAD Reorganization
Berlin Avn Det
298th Army Band
Sig Spt Co, Berlin Bde
7773 Sig Sv Co
Berlin Crisis
Units not attached to Berlin Brigade (Lodger) |
Brigade History |
Berlin "patch" is the same as that worn by US Army, Europe
except that it is surmounted by the Berlin arc. It is derived from
the insignia designed by General Dwight D. Eisenhower's command during
World War II, Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Forces (SHAEF).
The original SHAEF patch was on a field of black ("heraldic sable"),
symbolizing Nazi oppression. In July 1945, the field was changed to
blue ("azure") symbolizing a state of peace, the restoration
of which was the objective of the World War II allies. Upon the field
of blue is shown the sword of liberation in the form of a Crusader's
sword, the flames arising from the hilt and leaping up the blade.
This represents avenging justice by which the enemy power was broken
in Nazi-dominated Europe. Above the sword is a rainbow, emblematic
of all the colors of which the National Flags of the Allies are composed.
The distinguishing Berlin arc has been worn by the US Army in Berlin
since 1951. |
- 1980 |
(Source: "The
Story of Berlin Brigade", Pamphlet 870-2, US Command, Berlin
and US Army, Berlin, 1981.) |
Pam 870-2
The Story of Berlin Brigade
History Branch, G-3 Division
US Command, Berlin and US Army, Berlin
The Berlin Brigade was formed at the height of the Berlin Wall crisis.
It was created from units already in Berlin by General Orders from
the Commander-in-Chief, United States Army, Europe. General Bruce
Clarke ordered that from 1 December 1961 the core of the United States
military presence in Berlin, the living symbol of America's protection
for the people of free Berlin, would be known as the United
States Army Berlin Brigade.
Between 4 July 1945 and 1 December 1961 the security force in Berlin
had been known by several different names. During the first eight
months of the occupation three famous American divisions in succession
occupied the former capital of the German nation: The 2d Armored Division,
the 82d Airborne Division and the 78th "Lightning" Infantry Division.
From 1946 through the era of the Berlin Blockade and Airlift the troop
command was known as Berlin Military Post. During the ensuing decade
it was known variously as Berlin Command and the U.S. Army Garrison,
Berlin. During the past 18 years, however, the name "Berlin Brigade"
has stuck.*
It symbolizes the pride and traditions of some 100,000 men and women
of the United States Army who have served their country east of the
river Elbe, the defenders of freedom.
More than two years before the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
was formed, the United States had defied the Russian blockade and,
together with Great Britain and France, had pledged itself to uphold
the freedom and security of West Berlin. During the thirty-three years
since 1946 when the first permanent garrison was formed, the Berlin
Brigade has never fired a shot in anger. That is a measure of its
success. Probably no force of its size in history has contributed
more to peace and freedom in the world. Every man and woman privileged
to serve with the American forces in Berlin should know how we got
here and why we stayed here. This is the story of the Berlin Brigade.
*Since there has been little change in the missions of the U.S.
garrison in Berlin since the early 1950's, it will be referred to
throughout as the Berlin Brigade.
It was the beginning of July in 1945. A great world city - Berlin
- lay prostrate and largely devastated. From the air it looked like
a desolate stone desert, with its roofless buildings, its heaps of
rubble. Two years of intense bombing and a fanatical struggle between
the last-ditch defenders and the attacking Soviet Army had left the
city in ruins.
For two months, from the cessation of actual fighting (2 May 1945),
the city had been looted in the name of reparations. Refrigeration
plants, mills, whole factories, generator equipment, lathes and precision
tools were dismantled and loaded in rail cars for shipment to the
Soviet Union.
Inhabitants of the defeated capital, dazed, were just beginning to
attempt to provide themselves with the bare necessities of life. Dully
they sought food, items of clothing, anything to put them back in
the battle for human survival. It was in this simmering cauldron of
a city -- a setting as historic as the great sacks of Rome -- that
the Berlin Brigade was born.
The Berlin Command had a modest enough beginning on the first day
of July, 1945. Colonel Frank Howley led a contingent of military government
personnel into the city. The Russians, who up to then had full control
of the city, had not allowed the Americans to scout their sector before
entering. As a result, hundreds of officers and men had to find places
to stay in the ruins. Many wound up sleeping in tents in the Grunewald.
By the Fourth of July, Major General Floyd L. Parks, the first American
Commandant, together with elements of the 2d Armored Division had
moved in to occupy the American Sector in the southwest areas of the
city. Ceremonies in several parts of the U.S. Sector marked the takeover.
At the Telefunken electronics factory -- now McNair Barracks -- Sherman
tanks of the "Hell on Wheels" Division lined up opposite two companies
of the Soviet Army. General Omar Bradley flew into Berlin especially
to represent the United States on this historic occasion. In fact,
U.S. forces did not complete the takeover in the American Sector until
12 July. Finally, most of the Russians moved out, but not without
considerable "urging".
* The home of the 2d, 3d, and 4th Battalions of the 6th U.S. Infantry.
Meanwhile Lieutenant General Lucius Clay and Robert Murphy, respectively Deputy Military Governor and Political Advisor to General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower, had flown to Berlin for the initial conferences with the Russians. This was the first gathering of the Allied Military Governors for Germany who together made up the Allied Control Council. |
Paralleling these developments, the French were given a sector of the city -- the boroughs of Reinickendorf and Wedding, which had been carved out of the six districts designated to become the British Sector. This modified the wartime agreements on the occupation of Berlin and resulted in the present division of the city. Before the war, Greater Berlin had been divided into twenty administrative districts. The Soviet Sector (East Berlin) was composed of eight eastern districts; the French Sector of two northwestern districts; the British Sector, of four center-western districts; and the U.S. Sector, of six southwestern districts.
The occupation structure was complex. General Clay's headquarters became the Office of Military Government, United States (Zone) or OMGUS. Under General Clay, the American Commandant represented the United States on the four-power "Allied Kommandatura" for Berlin. A permanent security force for the American Sector, the future Berlin Brigade, was not formed until 1946. The troops of the 2d Armored Division remained in the city until relieved on 9 August 1945 by the 82d Airborne Division. Its Commander, Major General James Gavin, became the second U.S. Commandant.
From the outset, it was difficult to separate the missions of the security force and the military government team in the American Sector. Berlin Brigade was charged with the monumental task of restoring a semblance of order to the American Sector. However, Berlin was also the site of the military government headquarters |
for the four
victorious Allies of World War II. There was no central government
for conquered Germany. The four military governors, acting by unanimous
decision in the Allied Control Council, exercised supreme governing
authority in the four Zones of Occupation. Symbolically, the Council
established itself in the mammoth building in Berlin's Schoeneberg
district which had housed Imperial and Nazi Germany's supreme court.*
There followed countless committee meetings and conferences of the
military governors. The object was to fulfill the terms of the Potsdam
Agreement to provide one central, military government for all four
Zones of Occupation. The Council was unable to realize that objective.
Communist obstructionism was obvious from the beginning. By the fall
of 1946 Secretary of State James F. Byrnes publicly declared: "The
Allied Control Council is neither governing Germany nor allowing Germany
to govern itself."
* Still located there is the four-power Berlin Air Safety Center
or BASC.
During 1945, however, the spirit of cooperation that had led the Allies
to victory in World War II was not completely lost. But minor irritants
were evident even then. Practically every effort of the Allied Kommandatura
to restore order and a semblance of normalcy to Berlin was to some
extent thwarted by the Soviets and their German sympathizers. The
fact that the Red Army had taken Berlin and had been its sole occupiers
for two months before the Western Allies moved into their Sectors
gave the Russians an advantage that they were not slow to exploit.
In the wake of the Russian Army, German Communists who had fled to
the Soviet Union during the Hitler era returned to Berlin. Typical
of this group was Paul Markgraf, whom the Soviets promptly named as
Police President of Berlin. Since only persons who could prove that
they had not been Nazis were eligible for government posts under the
occupation, the Soviets were able to fill key posts in all four Sectors
with pro-Soviet functionaries. In addition, the Soviets took advantage
of the initial era of good feeling to influence the organization of
the Allied Kommandatura. As a result it was easy for them to block
real four-power government for the whole city, since they had insisted
that all decisions of the Kommandatura must be unanimous. A Soviet
veto was enough to disrupt or block constructive action. The Kommandatura
itself, the sole legal authority in Berlin, had to transact business
in four languages -- English, French, Russian and, of course, German.
The end of the War in the Pacific added to the problems of American
participation in the four-power occupation. Redeployment and demobilization
of U.S. forces began almost immediately. Some military units in Berlin
reportedly experienced a personnel turnover of as much as 300 percent
in a single month.
To cope with the problem of maintaining order it was necessary to
re-train battle-hardened soldiers in the techniques of civil police
duties. Early in 1946 they were assigned to a mobile organization,
a provisional constabulary squadron. This lightly armed unit patrolled
the city in cavalry scout cars. One of its principal duties was to
curb the black market gangs and the smugglers who trafficked in all
types of contraband. Such gangs were, in part, responsible for further
inflating the ruined Germany currency and the spreading economic chaos.
The first permanent units of the Brigade, the 16th Constabulary Squadron
and the 759th Military Police Battalion were formed and had taken
over these missions by 1 May 1946.
New operational techniques had to be devised for using soldiers to
control a civilian population governed jointly by four different countries.
Differences in language magnified differences in temperament, legal
philosophy and national outlook. Cooperation with Berlin's rehabilitated
civil police, controlled by a Moscow-trained police president, was
difficult. In many instances, problems were generated by a combination
of honest misunderstanding and Soviet opposition. Eventually, however,
procedures were developed to facilitate routine operations among the
four occupation powers and the Berlin police. The occupation was not
a complete failure. The breakdown of the four-power occupation machinery
was gradual. When it finally occurred, in 1948, it was, like most
milestones in Berlin's post-war history, the result of a calculated
Soviet policy offensive.
In this complex and sensitive situation, the Army stood ready to guarantee
United States rights under international agreements. It contributed
significantly to the success of State Department programs to provide
the basic human necessities for the German people and to restore economic
During 1946-47 it became increasingly clear that the Soviet Union's
one-sided interpretation of the Potsdam Agreement violated the spirit
of the agreement, as well as the United States' concept of fundamental
human rights. With the Soviets demanding reparations in excess of
what Germany could produce and blocking efforts in the Control Council
to implement economic reforms, the Western Allies found themselves,
reluctantly at first, taking the first steps on the road to reconciliation
and alliance with their former enemy.
During the winter of 1945-46 U.S. forces were faced with the practical
problems of keeping two million Berliners in the Western Sectors alive
in a shattered city. Under the U.S. Military Government, the Brigade
went to work. Results were quickly apparent. Restoration of basic
services was the first requirement and the re-lighting of only 1,000
gas-fueled street lamps throughout Berlin, on 2 March 1946, was an
event of sufficient importance to convince untold numbers of the city's
inhabitants that perhaps there was some light for the future, too.
The spirit of the Berlin Brigade was perhaps lighted by that first,
symbolic step back on the road to self-sufficiency and self-esteem
for the Berliners. However small, it offered hope for a new beginning.
The problems of rotation and demobilization plagued the Brigade during
1946. Rotation without replacement had so decimated the 78th Infantry
Division that by November 1946 it was reorganized and designated the
3d Battalion of the 16th Infantry and became part of the garrison.
The composition of the Berlin security force proved adequate to the
tasks it was called upon to perform during 1946-47. The concept of
the force and its missions changed during 1948-49, however, when the
level of international tensions was first characterized as a "cold
war." By the spring of 1950 Berlin Brigade's primary missions had
been defined approximately as at present: to deter aggression, counter
wide-spread civil disturbance and defend the city.
By the end of 1947 Soviet obstruction had brought attempts at four-power government in Germany and Berlin to a standstill. Attempts to establish democratic institutions and a degree of self-government were also impeded by the Soviet-controlled Socialist Unity Party or SED, which later became the ruling Communist party in East Germany. The breaking point came in March 1948 when the Soviet Military Governor, Marshal Sokolowsky, walked out of the Allied Control Council. This shattered the remnant of four-power government for all Germany.
Soviet presence in the Berlin Kommandatura continued until 18
June 1948 when it ended with a Soviet "withdrawal." On 2 July
the Soviets formally notified the Western chiefs of staff that
the Soviet Union had terminated participation in the Berlin
Komnandatura.. By that time the Soviet Blockade of Berlin and
the Allied airlift to counter it were already in progress.
During the 33-month period from July 1945 through March 1948
Soviet representatives had persistently blocked Allied efforts
to introduce economic reforms. At the Potsdam Conference the
Western Allies had not agreed to the indefinite occupation of
Germany, nor to its permanent division. By 1948 they were finally
committed to supporting German economic recovery.
The Soviets had blocked the first and most important step, the
reform of the German monetary system. By 1948 the Allies had
decided to implement the needed reforms in the Western Zones
of Occupation. On 16 June 1948 the new "Deutsche Mark" was introduced
in West Germany and two days later into the Western Sectors
of Berlin. The decision to introduce the new "West Marks" into
Berlin triggered the Soviet blockade. Before the blockade, Berlin
was supplied largely by rail from the Western Zones. On 21 June
the Soviets used the excuse of "technical difficulties" to cut
rail communications. In the days that followed other forms of
surface access were also blocked. The Soviet Government apparently
believed that it could starve the Berliners into submission
and force the Western Allies to withdraw from Berlin.
Allies, led by the United States, responded with an unprecendented
use of air power. When the first supply planes landed in Berlin on
26 June 1948, no one knew how long it would last or if it would work.
But the Soviets were clearly violating international agreements. General
Clay told President Truman that the Berliners would prefer unknown
hardships to Communist rule and that they had the will to stick it
out. The Berlin Airlift was on.
The Allies, the Berliners, the Air Force and the Army all share in
the credit for the success of the airlift. To supply a city of over
two million people with the planes available required a miracle of
organization on the ground. "Turn-around time" became one of the vital
keys to the success of the Airlift. Berlin Brigade personnel devised
off-loading systems, worked as guards and checkers and supervised
a German workforce of thousands. Army engineers constructed a new
runway at Tempelhof in 49 days. On the site of a former German training
area, they constructed a new airfield -- Tegel.
Three months after construction started, airlift planes were landing
at Tegel. During this "cold war" battle for Berlin field training
and many other normal garrison activities were curtailed. Tactical
and service units, the available manpower of the Allied garrisons
in Berlin was wholly committed to the support of the vital lifeline,
the Airlift.
The Blockade lasted for some 324 days. By agreement between the Ambassadors
of the four powers in the United Nations -- the so-called Jessup-Malik
agreement -- the Blockade was formally ended on 12 May 1949. Operation
VITTLES, as the airlift came to be called, continued for another two
months while the surface transportation system was restored and stocks
in the city brought up to normal levels.
The world breathed a sigh of relief when the Blockade was ended peacefully.
Berlin had weathered its first major post-war crisis. Out of those
eleven months of tension and exertion in a common cause, the foundation
of a new bond of sympathy and mutual respect between the German and
American people was laid.
May 12, 1949 was more than the end of the Berlin Blockade. The same
day the Allied Military Governors approved a draft constitution for
the Western Zones of Occupation, the Basic Law of the Federal Republic
of Germany. It was the beginning of a new era.
The end of the Blockade was followed by a period of reorganization.
The military government in West Germany ended and in its place the
Allied High Commission, eventually located with the new Federal German
Government in Bonn, was established to supervise West Germany's transition
to full sovereignty. In Berlin the remaining military government functions
were combined with those of the U.S. Commandant in a new post, that
of the U.S. Commander, Berlin (USCOB). At the same time Berlin Brigade
was relieved of its assignment to the Office of Military Government
and was assigned directly to the United States Army, Europe. This
assignment remained unchanged until December 1961, when USCOB became
part of the Brigade's Army chain of command as the Commander, U.S.
Army, Berlin.
In 1950 Berlin Brigade began to acquire some of its now familiar characteristics.
Most notable was the beginning of the long association between the
Brigade and the 6th Infantry. As a result of widespread riots in the
city, occasioned by a Communist-sponsored "All German Youth Rally,"
the 6th Infantry was activated and assigned to Berlin. Throughout
all ensuing organizational changes, the 6th Infantry has formed the
core of Berlin Brigade's combat strength. The last of these changes
occurred in September 1972. Since that time the Brigade's three infantry
battalions have all borne the flag of the 6th Infantry.
Throughout the 1950's and 60's Berlin remained a crisis center. Then
as now the daily activities of the Berlin Brigade were closely linked
to larger policy issues.
From the beginning the United States took the position that the right
to be in Berlin -- under wartime and post-war agreements which the
Soviet Union had not successfully repudiated -- was inseparable from
the right to get to Berlin, the right of access. This became especially
important on the autobahn, where, unlike the rail lines and the air
corridors, no formal post-war agreements with the Soviets confirmed
access rights. On the autobahn the men of the Berlin Brigade, in single
vehicles and convoys, were frequently subjected to Soviet and East
German harassment. The object was to force upon the Allies new and
ever more complex restrictions on the exercise of their access rights.
The only way to maintain Allied rights and to assure that the Soviets
did not erode them was to use them steadily and oppose all efforts
by the Soviets to introduce changes to which the Allies had not agreed.
Exercising Allied rights on the surface access routes became one of
the Brigade's most important missions. As a result, Brigade soldiers
were often the first to bear the brunt of new Soviet tactics and policies.
November 1958 marked the beginning of a new and more prolonged period
of crisis in Berlin and on the access routes. In what was known as
the "Krushchev Ultimatum," the Soviet Union posed a serious threat
to the future status of the city. The United States rejected the ultimatum
and its six-month deadline passed without incident. A conference of
Western and Soviet foreign ministers, which convened the following
summer (June 1959) in Geneva, failed to reconcile the longstanding
differences. The Allies demanded free, U.N.-supervised elections in
all Germany as a preliminary to reunification. At this 1959 meeting
of the four foreign ministers, the first since the Berlin Conferences
of 1954, the Soviets made what they knew to be unacceptable demands.
In effect they said that, in the foreseeable future, there was no
possibility of agreement to reunify Germany on terms acceptable to
the United States and the Western Alliance.
With hopes of reunification wining and international tensions over
Berlin running high, East Berliners and East Germans began, as the
West Berliners put it, "voting with their feet." During the 30-month
period from November 1958 through July 1961 West Berlin became the
escape hatch for a steadily increasing stream of East German refugees.
In July 1961 as many as 3,000 escaped in a single day. The daily average
for July and early August was about 1,800 per day. In terms of manpower,
East Germany was bleeding to death. The Communist leadership solved
the problem with brutal simplicity.
dawn on 13 August 1961 the East Germans sealed all but seven
of the crossing points between the Soviet Sector and West Berlin.
Twenty-eight miles of barbed-wire and barriers went up across
the city and construction of the Berlin Wall began.
At the time the combat-arms units of Berlin Brigade consisted
of two pentomic battle groups (1,362 officers and men each)
-- the 2d and 3d Battle Groups of the 6th Infantry -- and Company
F, 40th Armor. Three days after the sealing of the sector-sector
boundaries, President John F. Kennedy ordered the reinforcement
of the Brigade. He ordered that the reinforcement be accomplished
in a way that would convince the Soviet Union that the United
States had no intention of backing down from its commitment
to free Berlin. On Saturday the 19th of August Vice President
Lyndon B. Johnson and General Lucius D. Clay (the former Military
Governor and, among Berliners, probably the most revered living
American) flew into Berlin. The next day the 1st Battle Group,
18th Infantry (reinforced), some 1,500 officers and men, moved
over the autobahn from Helmstedt to Berlin. In full battle gear,
they paraded through the center of the city and were reviewed
by the Vice President and General Clay. During the three and
one-half years that followed, a different infantry battle group
(after September 1963, they were infantry battalions organized
as at
present) was rotated into Berlin at 90-day intervals. In keeping
with the political and psychological purpose of demonstrating
American intentions, they exercised Allied access rights by
moving in over the autobahn.
During the Berlin Wall Crisis, the basic principle of American policy
remained unchanged: International agreements have the force of law
and cannot be changed except by the common consent of the countries
that made them. They cannot be changed by force or the threat of force,
but only by negotiation. American history had shown that the American
people wanted to live in a law-abiding world, which would be possible
only if all countries lived up to their international commitments.
The principle was simple.
The United States, Great Britain and France were (and are) in Berlin
as a result of international agreements made with the Soviet Union.
Those agreements apply not just to West Berlin, but to Greater Berlin
as defined by law, all of it. As a result, throughout the Berlin Wall
crisis, the United States refused to compromise on agreed rights deriving
from the four-power status of the city. Men of the Berlin Brigade
went on patrols along the Wall and to East Berlin because free circulation
to all parts of the city was the right of the United States under
international law. Rather than sacrifice even the tiny exclave village
of Steinstuecken, General Clay flew into it by helicopter in September
1961. Thereafter, until October 1972 (when the problem was solved
by agreement), a three-man detachment of Military Police from the
Brigade's 287th MP Company was stationed there and rotated by helicopter.
Their presence was not just symbolic; it was necessary since the East
Germans harassed the residents crossing the access roadway through
East German territory, frequently refused ambulances and fire trucks
and prevented West Berlin police from entering the village by road.
As General Clay saw it Steinstuecken was by law -- and today remains
-part of the American Sector.
Taken together, the events of the Berlin Wall Crisis were the most
serious in the city's post-war history. Confrontations with the Russians
at the autobahn and rail checkpoints and in East Berlin during the
years between 1958 and 1965 were frequent; detentions were sometimes
prolonged. Whether it was Soviet APC's trying to enter West Berlin,
or Soviet jet fighters constantly buzzing the city, intentionally
creating sonic booms, the Berlin Brigade showed the flag, reassuring
the people of West Berlin that they would not be forced to live under
East German rule. What that meant in human terms was illustrated by
an incident which occurred at the height of the Wall Crisis. An American
reporter asked a calm Berliner if he wasn't worried that the Allies
might be forced out of the city. By that time, crisis was almost "normal"
for Berlin. The Berliner shrugged. Yes, he was worried. But..."Your
families are still here."
Berlin Wall Crisis didn't exactly end, it wound down. By the
end of 1962 the crisis as such had eased, but East-West tensions
remained high. Soviet harassment on the access routes, severe
during the period 1962-64, also eased gradually. By the spring
of 1967 the severe harassments of Allied military traffic had
virtually ended. For the most part the access procedures now
observed had been firmly established. Severe East German harassment
of West German transit traffic continued through January 1971.
In September of that year the four powers signed the first Berlin
agreement since June 1949. The Quadripartite Agreement of 3
September 1971 came into force on 3 June 1972. It confirmed
long-disputed Allied access rights, greatly improved the conditions
of civil access, and compared with the 1965-69 timeframe, resulted
in a significant reduction of East-West tensions over Berlin.
By setting the seal of international agreement on the Berlin
situation as it had evolved since 1949, the Quadripartite Agreement
marked the end of an era.
gradual easing of the situation in Berlin after 1965 was paralleled
by the buildup of U.S. ground-combat operations in Vietnam.
By 1968 the Army's requirements for highly skilled and trained
personnel in southeast Asia led to shorter tours in Berlin.
During the period 1969-70 the Brigade drew on the experience
of its combat
to provide a specialized type of training to orient men slated
for reassignment to Vietnam. Eventually the requirements of
the war necessitated the first serious curtailments in the Brigade's
field-training program since the Blockade era. Hard on the heels
of the end of ground-combat in Vietnam, the onset of the energy
crisis (Nov 73) posed further long-term problems.
By the end of 1972 the Brigade's authorized strength had been
fully restored. With tensions in the Divided City at the lowest
level in two decades, attention focused on training. In many
ways 1973-74 marked a turning point in the history of the Brigade.
In the absence of crisis, many of the Brigade's traditional
missions were less demanding. The resulting opportunity for
new initiatives paralleled developments in the Army as a whole.
in historical perspective Berlin Brigade, no less than the Army
as a whole, responded to the challenges of creating the Army
of the seventies. The problems confronting the Army in the seventies
were America's problems; the nation was entering a new era of
social consciousness. Among other new goals were efforts to
contain drug and alcohol abuse and to achieve a new understanding
for the problems of minority groups and women.
The Brigade achieved considerable success in countering the
debilitating effects of drug and alcohol abuse. Comparative
statistics suggested that Berlin was not confronted with a major
problem in this area. Preventive medicine through counseling
centers and reeducation of the entire community coupled with
a meaningful and challenging training program offered the best
prospect for longterm success.
Most important in the areas of awakening social consciousness
was a new sensitivity to the problems of racial and ethnic minorities.
Though the Brigade was not free of racial incidents, it recorded
some distinguished successes. Race relations personnel of the
Brigade were selected to attend the first course at the Defense
Race Relations Institute. There followed during 1972-76 a graduated
series of race relations seminars for military personnel of
all ranks and the command's career civil servants. A milestone
in the Brigade's program came in November 1973 when a three-day
exposition, Ethnic Expo 73, enabled the entire community to
see and experience the cultural
heritage of America's minority groups. Efforts to enhance racial
understanding also included seminars given in the Brigade's
School of Standards for newly assigned personnel. Overall, the
specialists working in the equal opportunity program agreed
that Berlin Brigade had achieved a considerable degree of racial
Most significant
and far-reaching of the events shaping the Army of the seventies was
the decision to create an all-volunteer Army. Historically related
to that decision were new training concepts which, taken collectively,
constituted the broadest, most imaginative and ambitious program in
the Army's 200-year history.
In 1972, the Army announced the concept of "decentralized" training,
which fixed the initiative for planning and executing unit training
at the company level. To provide additional variety and scope for
initiative the idea of "adventure training" came into play the same
Adventure training was not a substitute for standard training requirements.
Berlin Brigade units continued to train in company class rooms and
areas, sports facilities and in the wooded areas of the city. They
also participated in Allied field training with the British and the
French. Army training tests, tank and artillery qualifications were
conducted at USAREUR's Major Training Areas in West Germany.
Adventure training, however, was an opportunity that rewarded leadership
initiatives, fostering esprit, the "All the Way" spirit. In this area,
the "firsts" of the Berlin Brigade showed the Army in Europe what
could be accomplished. During 1973-74 Berlin Brigade achievements
in adventure training included mountain training in Italy, France
and Scotland; skiing in southern Germany; crossing the English Channel
in kyacks; and scaling the heights behind the Normandy beaches, reenacting
the World War II landing on the coast of France (6 Jun 44).
Brigade units also scored firsts in combining normal training activities
with normal mission activities. Showing the flag, of course, remained
a vital part of the mission. Rarely has it been shown more dramatically
than in January 1975 when the 4th Battalion, 6th Infantry, accompanied
by the USCOB, the Brigade Commander and members of the General Staff,
conducted the first marathon Wall run" along the entire 100-mile circumference
of West Berlin.
Berlin's urban environment is such that, in mission training, high
priority is given to combat in cities. To facilitate this type of
training, a new combat in cities range, with concrete structures closely
simulating actual conditions was completed in the spring of 1975.
In addition, several times each year units of the Brigade use the
West German Army's training village at Hammelburg near Schweinfurt.
Finally, since 1972 the Brigade Staff has periodically reviewed both
training experience and recent historical models as potentially significant
for Army-wide, combat in cities doctrine.
Now as in the past t is an exciting time and a rewarding experience
to serve with the Berlin Brigade.
Deeply imbedded in the traditions of the Berlin Brigade are the harsh
realities of the environment in which it serves. Running through what
once were store fronts, through woods and along waterways, the Wall
itself is an inescapable reminder of the Brigade's mission. It is
not along the Wall, however, but along the city's great boulevards,
especially the Kurfuerstendamm, that the reason for the mission becomes
clear: Two million people, undaunted by the Wall, daily express their
belief in freedom, progress and human dignity.
In May 1975, speaking before Berlin's House of Representatives, the
Secretary of State recalled these basic American values, of which
free Berlin had become a living symbol, adding: "This is why this
city means so much to us. For thirty years you have symbolized our
challenges; for thirty years also you have recalled us to our duty.
You have been an inspiration to all free men."
The pride and tradition of the Berlin Brigade are inseparable from
the challenges of service in a unique situation. Nor is "unique" an
exaggeration. The situation of West Berlin since World War II has
no close parallel in human history. From uniqueness has evolved a
unique and complex set of problems. A careless action can create an
international incident; a hasty or ill-considered action can create
a precedent which opens the door to still other, unforeseen difficulties.
The facts of geography are adverse and Berlin remains vulnerable to
every wind of change.
Confronted at every point of the compass, it is the enduring distinction
of the Berlin Brigade to live with the dangers and rise to the challenges.

Organizational Chart, US Army Berlin, August 1963 (USAHEC) |
1962 |
(Source: The Montgomery Advertiser, Dec 28, 1962 (Montgomery, Ala.) |
1963 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, Aug 11, 1963) |
The Berlin Brigade Conversion under ROAD
The Berlin Brigade will undergo its conversion under the ROAD Concept in September 1963. The reorganization is part of a Department of the Army program to reorganize active Army divisions to take maximum advantage of the firepower, mobility and organizational flexibility inherent in the new ROAD standard.
Before the reorganization, the Berlin Brigade has been composed of
- two infantry battle groups (2nd and 3rd, Infantry Battle Groups)
- a supporting tank company (Company F, 40th Armor)
- an augmentation infantry battle group from an infantry division in the Continental United States and rotated every three to four months.
After completion of the reorganization, Berlin Brigade will be composed of
- three mechanized infantry battalions (1st, 2nd and 3rd Bn, 6th Inf) 1)
- an organic artillery battery (Battery C, 94th Artillery) 2)
- and the existing tank company will be expanded 3)
- one augmentation infantry battalion 4)
The Brigade will retain the engineer company (42nd Engr Combat Co), the support troops and the Berlin hospital under ROAD.
1) The Battle Group had about 1,300 men assigned. The new mechanized infantry battalion will have strength of about 900. In addtion, each battalion will have double the armored personnel carriers that each battle group had.
2) The field artillery battery, previously equipped with towed artillery, will now receive 105mm self-porpelled howitzers.
3) The brigade's five-platoon tank company will be strengthened with an additional platoon and the unit's M48 tanks will be replaced with the heavier M60 tanks.
4) The augmentation infantry battalion will now be provided on a rotational bases every three months from one of the Seventh Army Infantry Divisions which have already undergone to conversion to ROAD.
Brigade Maps |
1950 |
(Source: Guide to Berlin Militart Post, 1950) |
Brigade Organization Charts |
1963 |

Organizational Chart, US Army Berlin, August 1963 (USAHEC)
(This is prior to the ROAD Reorganization) |
1975 |

Organizational Chart, US Army Berlin, April 1975 (Joe Morasco) |
(Source: American Forces in Berlin - Cold War Outpost, by Robert P. Grathwol and Donita M. Moorhus, DoD Legacy Resource Management Program, 1994) |
This wonderful (and well-illustrated) book presents the history of the American forces in West Berlin and depicts the people, places and events that occurred in this Allied outpost between the years 1945 and 1994. |
The Berlin Sentinel - Some of the issues published while in Germany |
Oct 5, 1945 |
Sep 25, 1945 |
Vol. 1, No. 1 |
Berlin |
Oct 5, 1945 |
Vol. 1, No. 2 |
Berlin |
Oct 13, 1945 |
Vol. 1, No. 3 |
Berlin |
Oct 20, 1945 |
Vol. 1, No. 4 |
Berlin |
Oct 27, 1945 |
Vol. 1, No. 5 |
Berlin |
Nov 3, 1945 |
Vol. 1, No. 6 |
Berlin |
this & subsequent issues missing |
Aviation Detachment, Berlin Bde |

Big Picture: Pictorial Report from Overseas (starts at 1:10 - YouTube) |
In the early 1950s, the 6th Inf Regt was using Hiller H-23 heliopters to patrol the western sector of Berlin. The regiment's air section was stationed at Tempelhof Airfield. |
1956 |
(Source: Army
Aviation Magazine, Dec 15, 1956) |
Iron Curtain
By YC, (Capt.) Sylvester J. Hunter
BERLIN, GERMANY -- Thought the readers of ARMY AVIATION would be interested
in knowing a little about what goes on in the only Army Aviation Section
located 110 miles behind the Iron Curtain. For record-keeping
purposes, we are the Section of the 6th Inf Regt, probably the only Regiment having 3 H-13 copters assigned to it, and rarer
still, only two authorized pilots. I italicize the word, "probably,"
for I've seen what happens to those who make bold-faced statements
in "AA" about being the only units to do this or that. They're
engulfed the next month by those who take exception.
Our local flying area consists of the three west sectors of Berlin
or approximately 185 square miles. We are limited to this area by
our own Hqs but legally we could fly in a 20-mile radius of the center
of Berlin. Needless to say, we do not mind the limitation.
As for missions and operations, they are quite normal in most respects
but sometimes turn out to be very interesting and amusing. For example,
we held a training problem with the Regt in the Grunewald Forest (which
actually is a large park). It was rather difficult for anyone to maintain
the proper concentration and enthusiasm for the problem when you have
a huge nudist colony right smack in the middle of the attack zone.
Periodically, the question of an L-23 is brought up. Although we certainly
can use an L-23 to maintain proper liaison with the various headquarters
in West Germany, the question always hits a snag someplace. We have
a real need for this craft and I hope that someday certain people
in the Army will realize that we are no longer Cub pilots. With only
choppers authorized, you may wonder how we meet our instrument minimums.
We get most of our annual instrument flying with the AF in C-47s.
In addition to supporting the Regt, we also serve the Berlin Command
and USCOB with Army aviation support. Assigned AAs are Lt. Clardie
A. White (Maint, Supply, & you name it) and yours truly as Chief Honcho.
Also logging time with us is Maj. Donn T. Boyd, asgd to the Regt with
duty in MOS 1542 (Exec, 3rd Bn). Six chopper mechanics, a clerk, and
a driver complete the Berlin crew.
I'd like to issue an invitation through "AA" to all Aviators
who desire to and can manage to visit this divided city to come up
and see us any time. We guarantee to roll out the carpet (not Red)
and give you your choice of the $25 or $50 tour. For those arriving
between May & October we have a Super-Duper $100 Tour which includes,
among other things, the four points on our situation map labeled "NC."
This is a new symbol I've learned since I taught the "Aviation Section
Situation Map" in the AAS several years ago. Auf Wiedersehen from the only remaining WW II occupied area. (Ed. An explanation
of the new map symbol can be found in the third paragraph.) |
1968 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, June 11, 1968) |
Army Aviation Detachment, Berlin Brigade
The Army Avn Det, commanded by Col William S. Cox, has a complement of
six UH-1B Huey helicopters
one L-19 reconnaissance airplane
one U-8D Seminole command airplane
The Detachment is located at Tempelhof Air Base (an Air Force installation). Its hangars are close to the commercial side of the airfield.
One of the missions of the detachment is to run helicopter patrols (aerial surveillance) along the Berlin Wall and rest of the border surrounding West Berlin -- to supplement other (jeep and boat) border reconnaissance missions performed on the ground by other elements of Berlin Brigade. These border patrol flights have been going on since the late 1940s.
The short flight (US Sector only) is run daily - once or twice a week the Det runs a long flight that encompasses the British and French sectors. A regular patrol crew consists of pilot, copilot, crew chief and a Brigade G-2 observer (who is picked up at Andrews Barracks).
Other missions of the Det include brigade troop lifts in support of field exercises and border orientation flights for visitors, including British and French officials. (British and French forces in Berlin do not maintain helicopters in their sectors.)
Routinely, one helicopter is used to fly in supplies to Army MP's who are assigned guard duty in the Steinstuecken Enclave. |
(Source: Email from Aydin Mehmet, Germany) |
Berlin Avn Det
Tempelhof Airport |
Photos provided by Aydin Mehmet, Germany

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7. (KB) |
1989 |
(Source: BERLIN OBSERVER, Aug 4, 1989) |
Aviation Det. holds flight safety record
By Ron Gardiner

Sgt. Ruben Luevano unhooks the hoist from a UH-1 Huey |
Berlin's Aviation Detachment has only nine aircraft, yet the pilots manage to log between 2,300 - 2,500 hours annually, and from Oct. 1, 1987 - Sept. 30, 1988 they did so with a zero aviation accident rate.
That fact will be recognized today when U.S. Commander, Berlin, Maj. Gen. Raymond Haddock, presents the detachment with a USAREUR and Seventh Army certificate of achievement for aviation safety.
Berlin's Aviation Detachment is relatively small. With a fleet of six UH-1 Huey helicopters, one C-12 airplane and two observation planes, the detachment supports the city by flying a variety of missions including VIP support, tactical training with U.S., British and French troops; assistance to Polizei and water police; and, transport missions to various parts of Europe. The helicopters, however, each emblazoned with "Freedom City" on the shiny, green skin, stay in the city. |
The detachment's maintenance facilities include two overhead hoists, and the mechanics and technical inspectors do all authorized work under the light's green glow in the football-field-size hanger on Templehof Central Airport's flightline.
According to Safety Officer CWO4 Eddy King, the award is for day-to-day safety, working every mission as safely as possible, not only the pilots, but the maintenance team and operations office as well.
The unit was able to maintain a zero accident record by pulling together as a team, he said.
The unit's personnel perform many checks to keep the aircraft safely in the air, and determine the ones in need of repair.
According to Maintenance Officer Capt. Thomas Gainey, they use the phase inspection system to thoroughly check out each aircraft every 150 flight hours in a six-phase series. Some of the checks include taking oil samples and changing the interior transmission filter. Others require the engine be flushed.
The safety record goes back well beyond the award dates. The last major aircraft accident was in 1969 when a helicopter made an emergency landing in a Mariendorf garden. Since then only one minor incident has been reported; a bent propeller on one of the observation planes in 1982.
In addition to the unit's safety record, it has a record of hospitality. From 1961-72 the unit flew a "mini-airlift" to the exclave of Steinstucken providing those isolated residents of Zehlendorf supplies and greater access to West Berlin. |
1990 |

Aviation Detachment, Berlin Brigade
(Source: BERLIN OBSERVER, Nov 30, 1990) |
Aviators fly 21 years accident free
The Berlin Brigade's Aviation Detachment completed another year of accident-free aviation duty Sept. 29. With nine aircraft in the detachment's inventory, the unit logged more than 1,500 hours. The event commemorates 21 years of safe flying within Berlin air space.
The unit's mission includes VIP flights, air assault, static displays, and formation flying.
Aviation safety officer CW3 Frank Cicneros said, "Safety starts when we wake up in the morning and continues through the entire day, until we go to sleep. Safety is our job. If we don't do things right the first time, accidents happen and people get hurt. The combined effort has paid off. Safety is not taken for granted. Our goal has been to train safely."
Lieutenant Col. Doug Powell, Aviation Detachment commander, has a philosophy of system safety and ensures its principles are used within each section of the organization, Cicneros said.
The Operation Section is responsible for planning, scheduling and executing all missions in a timely manner. Two essential ingredients are assigning crews based on their experience level, and ensuring that all crews have been properly briefed before take off. Also, Operations mandates that each pilot in command gives pre-flight briefings to ensures the missions are fully understood. After each flight, the pilot in command is required to give a post-mission debrief to Operations detailing the mission, Cicneros said.
The Standardization Section ensures all crew members are current and qualified in their aircraft. Their rigorous standardization program consists of no-notice check rides, annual flight evaluations and written examinations, he said.
The Maintenance Section ensures that sound maintenance practices are applied before flights. This prevents in-flight maintenance-related mishaps. A system application of safety management principles includes daily inspection of each aircraft before and after every flight of the day, regular intervalinspectionsevery 25,50 and 150 hours, technical inspections of all work, and test flights to confirm flight readiness, Cicneros said.
Also, the unit's Quality Control Section works with mechanics to ensure by-the-book procedures. With 12 soldiers, nine civilians and a secretary, the maintenance team is responsible for the tool room, battery, calibration, aviation life support, avionics, and prop and rotor shops.
In his role as aviation safety officer, Cicneros advises, recommends and makes on-the-spot corrections to ensure that all workers get proper safety information, he said. The safety officer advises the commander with sufficient input to maximize mission readiness. tie implements a program to reduce accidental loss of material and injury to soldiers. But his primary responsibility is to be a fully operational pilot whose focus is on safety. In addition to conducting monthly safety meetings and inspections, he ensures that aviation operational procedures are developed to maximize safety and mission accomplishment. |
Signal Support Company, Berlin Bde |
(Source: ECHO, March 1987) |
The Bocksberg - Berlin link, covering a distance of over 100 miles, will be the first digital troposcatter link that the Army has installed. With the Berlin link, FM stereo transmissions and reception will be provided to Berlin. Also, Helmstedt and Drachenberg (comm site west of Helmstedt) in the FRG will be able to receive AFN TV broadcasts. |
(Source: Email from Steve Burgess, Bocksberg DCS, 1989-93) |
I spent over three years on this site and closed it in the fall of 1993. We maintained the digital communication link between DSC stations and a direct tropospheric scatter link between ourselves and Berlin on an MD-918 system.
BBG was transferred to the Signal Support Company, HQ, Berlin Brigade. This transfer took place sometime in 1987/1988, prior to my arrival. During my stay, we were attached to Helmstedt (1989-1991), which fell under the command of the Berlin Brigade during the same period.
The opening of the east led to the closure of the site and the command of the site was transferred to the Helmstedt detachment and then on to the Berlin Brigade before final closure.
The site was maintained with 4-5 personnel with an E-5 in charge.
We inherited Pricilla, a lab mix, who we found an excellent home for before we departed. I stayed in the city of Goslar for a couple of years after transfer of the site back to the German Government. |
Bocksberg DCS Station
Helmstedt |

1. Bocksberg DCS Station, 1992 (286 KB) |

2. Signal tower at Bocksberg, 1992 (235 KB) |
Army Band |
298th Army Band DUI |
298th Army Band Blazer Pocket Patch |

298th Army Band bldg, 1969 |
Photo on left shows Pvt Larry Brown, trumpeter, 298th Army Band, 1969.
Photo was taken by band drummer & percussionist Bob Howell who married a German girl, Angie, from Berlin and still works as a full-time musician in Berlin's Theaters, Clubs & Studios to this day.
The 298th Army Band's Blazer Pocket Patch (shown above) came sewn-on to the upper pockets of our blazers (semi-formal dress coat). The dark-blue blazer was worn with grey pants -- as I remember, but I'll dig-out a photo later.
This was the band's "Ensemble Wear" and was used in appearances of both the Jazz Ensemble and the American half of our German-American Vocal Ensemble (I was also in that group) at Officer's Clubs, NCO's Clubs, and the German-American Volksfest! |
Signal Service Company |
(Source: Email
from Ed Gibson, 7773 Sig Co, 1951-1953) |
When I arrived
in Germany in late 1951, I went to the replacement depot at Sonthofen,
where I was told I was going to radio operators school at the Ansbach
Signal School. Following that, I was assigned to the 7773
Signal Co in Berlin. It's name was changed later
but I can't remember the new one. |

SCR-399 on Duty Train
As you know there were two trains departing Berlin each evening,
one for Frankfurt and the other for Bremerhaven. At the same
time, trains were departing those stations for Berlin. Each
train leaving Berlin had a radio car at the rear. The radio
equipment was taken from the AN/SCR-399
which was a vehicle-mounted radio hut on a 6X truck towing a
trailer with a jeep motor powered generator. The transmitter
was the BC-610 with 300 watts output. All communication was
by Morse code. A Motorola VHF radiotelephone was later installed,
but with very limited range, hardly out as far as Wansee.
PHOTO: Here is a photo of the radio equipment as used
in the Berlin Duty Train radio cars. Receivers and control panel
on the left and the BC-610 transmitter with antenna tuning unit
in the background. |
After crossing
the Russian zone, the radio cars were dropped off at
Helmstedt, and made the return
trip on the Eastbound trains. There were 6 operators on duty, two
on each train, one at Helmstedt, and one at the Clay HQ compound in
Berlin. Three operators were stationed at Helmstedt on a rotating
basis. I spent 9 months there in 1953. There were only about 20 Americans
stationed in Helmstedt, mostly MPs manning the checkpoint out on the
Autobahn. We were living in the biggest mansion in town.
In addition to train duty, the 7773 also drove an SCR-399 in the weekly
convoy which went from Berlin to Braunschweig and returned the following
I still remember the call signs:
Berlin - ME6
Helmstedt - 0YP
(that's a "zero")
the Frankfurt train
- QY7F
the Bremerhaven
train - QY7B.
The operating frequency was 5295 kHz. If you are familiar with the
Morse code, imagine sending a name like Niederdodeleben with a Morse
key from a swaying railway car. Great fun. But that was 50 years ago.
Hope this fills you in a bit.
The 7773 was involved in many other aspects of communications around
Berlin, but I am not familiar with the details. I do know that radio-equipped
vehicles were always on standby for use by high-ranking command officers
during alerts.
Ed Gibson |

Duty trains
The Berlin Duty Train
In late 1945, the Transportation Corps established the Berlin
Duty Train as a method of transporting soldiers, their dependents,
and U.S. Army civilians in and out of the Allied sectors of
Berlin and West Germany.
Each train was assigned a train commander, a Russian-English
interpreter, two Military Police, a radio
operator and a conductor. The Train Commander was almost
always a Transportation Corps Lieutenant, who was responsible
for the safety and security of the train during its journey.
The radio operator maintained constant
contact with Brigade Headquarters while traveling through the
Soviet zone. The Transportation Non-Commissioned Officer
acted as the conductor.
For more on the duty train, see the Berlin
Duty Train Page at the US Army Transportation Museum
web site (http://www.eustis.army.mil/DPTMSEC/MUSEUM/index.htm).
Miscellaneous |
DUIs |


Berlin Sp Trps
Inf Honor Guard Patch
Inf Drill Team Patch
Inf Field Music Patch
2nd BG, 6th Inf Patch |

3rd BG, 6th Inf Patch |
Links (Links verified 2/25/2025; inactive links removed):
U.S. Army Berlin Brigade - website established by a former Berlin Brigade DEH employee. Nicely organized.
Berlin - 1969 - a well researched and very interesting website hosted
by Robert W. Rynerson who serve as a Russian-English Interpreter in
the Rail Transportation Office in Berlin. Great "duty train"
stories and information.
Brigade - website dedicated to the veterans
of the Berlin Brigade.
US Military Veterans Association - A veterans association established
for the benefit of all Berlin US Military Veterans and Active Duty
Members who served in Berlin from 1945 to 1994.
Getty Images - McNair Kaserne photos page. This is a commercial website that clients use to search and browse for images, purchase usage rights, and download images. |